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Author Monographic
Pidgeon, Nick; Roger E. Kasperson; Paul Slovic (editors)
Author Combination
Pidgeon, Nick; Roger E. Kasperson; Paul Slovic (editors)
Title Monographic
Title Combination
Place of Publication
New York
Publisher Name
Cambridge University Press
Date of Publication
FF: Risk Assessment and Decision Theory
Location URL
e-book version: http://ebooks.cambridge.org/ebook.jsf?bid=CBO9780511550461
Contents: Introduction Part I: Conceptual Foundations The Social Amplification of Risk: Assessing Fifteen Years of Research and Theory The Logical Structure of the Social Amplification of Risk Framework (SARF): Metatheoretical Foundations and Policy Implications Social Amplification of Risk and the Layering Method Institutional Failure and the Organizational Amplification of Risks: The Need for a Closer Look Part II: Risk Signals and the Mass Media Trust, Transparency, and Social Context: Implications for Social Amplification of Risk Risk and Relativity: BSE and the British Media After Amplification: Rethinking the Role of the Media in Risk Communication Plague and Arsenic: Assignment of Blame in the Mass Media and the Social Amplification and Attenuation of Risk Part III: Public Perceptions and Social Controversy The Dynamics of Risk Amplification and Attenuation in Context: A French Case Study Public Response to Y2K: Social Amplification and Risk Adaptation, or, ‘How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Y2K’ The Social Dynamics of Environmental Risk Perception: Implications for Risk Communication Research and Practice Understanding Amplification of Complex Risk Issues: The Risk Story Model Applied to the EMF Case Part IV: Risk Ripples and Stigma Effects Integrating Politics with the Social Amplification of Risk Framework: Insights from an Exploration in the Criminal Justice Context Nuclear Stigma Part V: Policy and Management Searching for the Public Policy Relevance of the Risk Amplification Framework Social Amplification of Risk in Participation: Two Case Studies
The management of and communication about risks has become a major question of public policy and intellectual debate in the modern world. The social amplification of risk framework describes how both social and individual factors act to amplify or dampen perceptions of risk and through this create secondary effects such as stigmatisation of technologies, economic losses or regulatory impacts. This volume, edited by three of the world's leading analysts of risk and its communication, brings together contributions from a group of international experts working in the field of risk perception and risk communication. Key conceptual issues are discussed as well as a range of recent case studies (spanning BSE and food safety, AIDS/HIV, nuclear power, child protection, Y2K, electromagnetic fields, and waste incineration) that take forward the state-of-the-art in risk amplification theory. The volume also draws attention to lessons for public policy, risk management and risk communication practice.
Call Number
Risk Analysis ; Social Factors ; Mass Media ;